Why the via Francigena
For centuries, the Via Francigena was the main axis of connection between northern and Southern Europe: pilgrims heading to Rome or Jerusalem passed through it. As a path of faith, with the pilgrimage of the erudite, the Francigena has historically also played the role of a circuit for the transmission of knowledge, art, and culture throughout the continent: from England and the English Channel to the Mediterranean.
A highly symbolic path that unites the people and cultures of Europe, of which the Abbeys are still a living sign, a focal point of humanity being capable of communicating hope sinking their roots into the past and projecting us into the future.
The Francigena intersects with other paths: Santiago de Compostela, the Via Benedicti, the Via Micaelica and the Itinerarium Burdigalense, reaching the Holy Land starting from Bordeaux. The project not only meets the Abbeys along the itinerary started by Sigerico – the fundamental backbone of the Francigena – but also those arranged on the other paths.
Why the Abbeys
Abbeys have always represented a beacon of civilization and a safe haven in the darkest nights of European history. Places that united the conservation and propagation of knowledge, through the reproduction by hand of illuminated manuscripts by the Scholae and the Scriptoria, shelters for travellers and providing both physical and spiritual comfort.
Not only open communities of humanistic attraction and diffusion but also true business hubs of an economy based on agricultural innovation and trade, flowing from each Abbey to branch out throughout the abbatial territory.
An artisanal, circular, and sustainable economy that often lives to this day in the form of ethical enterprises respectful of social development, culture, and environmental protection, considered valuable assets since the beginning of this extraordinary experience of communal life.
GIUBILEO 2025 - No’hma in cammino 2025
L’associazione culturale “GIUBILEO 2025 – No’hma in cammino” nasce nel 2023 con lo scopo di organizzare e promuovere In cammino, iniziativa ideata in occasione del Giubileo 2025 da Livia Pomodoro, Presidente dello Spazio Teatro No’hma di Milano.
Tra i compiti principali dell’associazione c’è quello di individuare, programmare e realizzare nel corso del triennio i singoli eventi che compongono la rassegna, dagli spettacoli teatrali alle performance musicali, dalle tavole rotonde alle conferenze, dalla visita ai territori e dalle realtà agroalimentari al confronto sui temi della sostenibilità.
Proponendo in questo modo un’ esperienza indimenticabile dagli esordi fino alla tappa conclusiva prevista a Roma nel 2025, in concomitanza con l’Anno Santo.
L’associazione presieduta da Bruno Pavesi, curerà la messa a punto del programma annuale e triennale, le riprese video, la composizione e la logistica dei singoli appuntamenti nonché i rapporti con i media, avvalendosi della consulenza e della collaborazione di professionisti ed esperti dei vari settori coinvolti nel progetto